Youth Ministry


Wednesday Night Gathering

Our student ministry meets on Wednesday Nights after the “Wednesday Night Dinner” from 6:30 to 8:00pm for worship, fellowship, and discipleship in Youth Room 1. During our gathering we declare the “Praises of the Lord”, the “Wonders of His mighty Hand”, and “His Miraculous Deeds,” through worship and teaching. We walk through the bible exploring the grand themes and narrative of scripture through the lens of redemptive history. After each lesson we breakout into discussion groups to further apply the principles and lesson of the scriptures into our modern contexts.

Sunday School

Sunday School at North Run runs from 9:45 to 10:45 Sunday mornings. The youth (7th-12th grade) meet in Youth Room 1. We play games and fellowship the first 20 minutes of the class before diving into a bible study with discussion questions to engage the mind and spirit of our students.

Upcoming Special Events

Youth Fundraiser Craft Show May 4th

Nelson County Youth Missions Week June17th-22nd

Summer Camp @ Camp Eagle- July 15th-19th

Equipping students to Worship through Discipleship and Evangelism!

Equipping students to worship the only Holy God, Jesus Christ, by disciplining them towards evangelism.